The school year is starting and it is a good idea to review school safety for children.


Strangers often approach children as they travel to and from school.

  • Remind your children to not approach anyone in a vehicle, even if they know them, for any reason.
  • If a stranger comes up to them they should turn around and run away.
  • Anytime a stranger approaches them they should tell an adult as soon as possible.

Travel Safety

Accidents also happen on the way to and from school. Following these tips from will help ensure that your child gets to and from school safely.

Tips for School Bus Riders
  • Stay on the sidewalk while waiting for the bus.
  • Carry all loose belongings in a bag or backpack and never reach under the school bus to get anything that has rolled or fallen beneath it.
  • Line up facing the bus, not along side it.
  • Move immediately onto the sidewalk and out of traffic after getting off the bus.
  • Wait for a signal from the bus driver before crossing the street and walk at least 10 steps away from the front of the bus so the driver can see you.
Tips for Pedestrians or Bike Riders
  • Never walk alone, always travel with a buddy. Find someone in your neighborhood that you can walk with.
  • Always walk on the sidewalk or walk so you are facing traffic.
  • If it is dark when you leave wear reflective or bright color clothing to increase visibility.
  • Respect traffic lights and street signs.
  • Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or scooter.
Backpack Safety

Wearing a backpack incorrectly or that is too heavy can strain your muscles or cause curvature of the spine.
  • A backpack should never weigh more than 10-20% of your child's body weight.
  • Pack heavier items closest to the back.
  • Always wear both shoulder straps.
  • Make sure that the straps are adjusted to your child's height so the backpack fits snug against the back.
Follow School Rules

Every school has rules and a policy that they follow.
  • Review the school rules with your child.
  • Make sure that your child understands what is expected of them and why the rules are in place.
  • Talk about staying safe on the playground by taking turns and staying away from children swinging.
Taking time to review school safety before your child starts school this year will help ensure that he or she will have a safe and great year.